Friday, April 24, 2009

Journal Entry

Friday- April 24, 2009

Dear Journal, 

Today was a very important day because it was my first meeting for my new clothing industry called "Triple AGL Roman Clothing Industry" I woke up and I was stressing out because I couldn't decide what to wear... I usually wore a toga or a tunica but today I didn't know which one to wear. I need to look the best for my first impression. Since yesterday I wore a tunica, today I should wear a toga. I need to look fancy and look formal at the same time. I guess I will just wear a toga today. Shoes... OH MY GOD Shoes! I don't know if I want to wear... Stay bare feet or wear sandals... What to decide.... I know i'll pick what to wear out of a hat. I got a hat and drew out Shoes... Okay today I am wearing a toga and shoes! I went outside to go to work and I looked the best out of all the people at the meeting! My thinking really helped. At the meeting I was forming a new type of clothing for men. I thought of something original and something not too fancy. Maybe something to wear semi-formally. I decided to use the style of a toga and tunica combined. I thought for a while and came up with an idea that was sooo great that it blew my mind off! I thought of having the toga with the string and the sleeve pattern from the tunica. It is going to be called the "Toganica"! My newest invention will become the best and most popular type of "Toganica" there is! YES!

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