Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Stola- Fact #1

     The stola was the traditional garment for Roman women to wear over their tunica (under dress). Women often wore a palla (wrap) over top of their stola. A girdle held the Stola in place. This garment usually came as low as the ankles while the tunica reached just below the knee. Women were considered disgraceful if they wore a toga, which is a male garment. The women wore the long pleated stola only when married. This type of stola was a symbol that you were married. Many rich women wore stola's with a wide ornamental border on the lower hem or the stola or tunica, this showed their status and wealth.

     The stola sounds like a simple piece of clothing that I would never be caught dead in today!
- Georgie


  1. me neithehr... im sure ash would love to wear it thoug

  2. no inapropriatness on this blog.


    luv alyssa

  3. HAHAHAHA i noe i would only wear it if it came in purrrrrplllle or teeo!
    hoo hoo
